Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sociology Ethnicity Question

Using material from item A and elsewhere assess the claim that ethnic differences in educational achievement are primarily the result of school factors. It is not completely internal school factors that can affect different ethnicities level of achievement in education, external factors can have a large part to play in the achievement levels of ethnic minorities in education as well. In education studies have shown that Chinese students as well as Indian students are the highest achieving ethnic groups in education while black and Bangladeshi students are the lowest achieving students.In 2006, 73% of pupils Indian origin gained a 5 A* – C passes at GCSE, compared to 56% of White pupils and an even lower 47% of Black pupils, Item A agrees with this point. Labelling is a large part of the internal factors that affects different ethnic groups’ achievement in education as some teachers label different ethnic students as less able or be less able to understand the teacher be cause they are of different ethnicity when in fact they can understand as well as a white student.Ethnocentric Curriculum is also a large part of the internal factors that can have an affect on the success levels of the ethnic minorities in education as in schools they tend to teach subjects which are appealing to the white students over the black students. In history they tend to miss out teaching about black history in order to teach more appealing topics and in English, William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens are usually taught over black writers and this can cause the ethnic students to take less of a care to the subject, ending up in a lower success rate.The internal factor of ‘institutional racism’ is a major factor which can cause the different ethnic groups to be less successful in education. There is evidence of ‘institutional racism’ in schools by the way that the schools take racism less seriously and often fail to deal with issues of racism whic h make the ethnic groups feel disadvantaged and treated differently making them have a mood of fatalism about education this point is also made in item A. Feature Article –  Sociology Test  1As well as internal factors there are external factors that can affect the success levels of ethnic groups in education such as the inadequate language level spoken by low-income black families. Bereiter and Englemann found that there language skills were ungrammatical, disjointed and incapable for education and incapable for expressing ideas. Flaherty argued that the external factor of the ethnic groups being more likely to live in low quality, substandard council housing also plays a large part on the success levels of ethnic groups in education.This means that they will also be less likely to have good study space, money for health nutritious food and means they are less likely to have revision resources needed for success and item A agrees with this point. Racism in the wider society is also a large external factor which can have a large impact on the ethnic groups in the wider society as this racism can de-motivate people from doing well in education and striving to get the good jobs as they believe only the people who are white ethnicity will get the jobs.This racism is evident in Mike Noon’s study, when he sent off applications named ‘Patel’ he got less, more negative responses than what he got when he sent of the same applications named ‘Evans’. So in conclusion, both internal and external factors are extremely important as the internal factors can affect them directly when they are doing work in school but the external factors can affect how hard they work to try to give themselves a good start outside of school as well as how hard they try at home after school. This makes them both as important as eachother.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ethical dilemmas

Abstract This paper looks into the legal and physiological as well as a counselors best measures to take incase of an emergency relating to an abused woman who has a baby that could suffer if the woman is further exposed to the harm she has been undergoing. Introduction Ethical dilemmas are offset by conflict of ethical codes and a patient’s interest. According to Hill, Glaser and Harden, an ethical dilemma is a result of ‘no appropriate course of action, since each course of action conflicts with a set code of ethics all which expose the decision makers to uncertain risks (18-19). As such, the clinician or therapist has to assess the best course of action, help and recommendations to resolve a case without exposing both himself and the patient to risks. In this case, Jean is faced by an ethical dilemma in which she has to weigh her options without destroying her therapeutic relationship with Mary and her work. Jean has to assess her professional codes, the possible legal implications and the client’s needs before embarking on finding resolve. Though Mary is now absorbed in the counseling, it’s not clear how committed she is to the therapy, secondly, Mary is possibly too emotionally impaired that, she is confused about positive resolve. Mary’s from the onset doesn’t want her problem to be exposed, and also, she is afraid her decisions might result to further complexion of her life, endanger her little boy and subsequently expose her to risks. She has confided in Jean and Jean has, through professional ethics, to seek a proper methodology of arresting Mary’s problem. According to Hill, Glaser and Harden, ethical consideration which covers intuitive and cognitive levels of reasoning and con ­crete models for ethical decision making, and comments is seen to arise as Mary does not want to be known that she is attending counseling lessons most definitely by her husband. Issues of regarding the information and situation of the victim confidential is conflicting with a set of procedures which would help resolve Mary’s case. As such some ethical considerations on the side of Jean are necessary so as to find a solution and to more appropriately help Mary and the boy. Ethical considerations Jean has an obligation to safeguard respect for persons. This translates to respecting the autonomy and self-determination of the victim. The context of confidentiality arises as the foremost problem Jean is facing. Mary is seeking redress however; she is still rigid about eventualities which she has to face in the event of complete separation with her husband. Most accurately, she is fiscally unable hence would rather tolerate further abuse than starve in the streets. From this perspective, Jean is facing a profound ethical dilemma since she has to evaluate the need for assisting this woman while at the same time; she remains silent about her problem. This is a result of Mary’s anxiety about the destructive social, physical, psychological and legal consequences of dis ­closing her experience. Her situation is characterized by instability, insecurity, fear, dependence and loss of autonomy. Jean has a duty to protect those who lack autonomy, including providing security from harm or abuse. Any legal action aimed at Mary’s husband will certainly invoke an impasse which will further affect Mary. Mary has confided in Jean and Jean’s responsibility is to weigh and assess the options best suited to help Mary without further infringing her physiological well being. However, Jean has a more profound role in her capacity; she is now entrusted with the welfare of Mary and the child involved (Nama & Schwartz 2002). She has a role which includes minimizing risks and assuring that benefits which Mary will get outweigh risks and eventualities which would harm Mary and her child. The child is another issue which Jean has to ethically consider. The child has suffered and is still exposed to both physical and physiological dangers. Jean has a duty to ensure that, the child is protected and that she evenly distributes the benefits of child protection without infringing Mary’s physiological well being (Brasseur 2001).On this child issue, research has shown that both maternal depression and social adversity lead to compromised social, cognitive, and emotional outcomes for infants (Murray & Cooper, 1997), as such Jean has a huge responsibility to help the child as well. Read also Ethical Dilemma â€Å"Glengarry Glen Ross†Ã‚   by David Mamet However; Jean has to weigh the liability incurable if she helps the victim. Her decisions and involvement in implementing the most effective and concise decisions might result to drastic legal repercussions on her side (WHO 2007). According to Nama and Schwartz, as a social worker, Jean might find herself going beyond her employer code of ethics (6). Confidentiality The context of confidentiality comes up when Mary confesses her traumatic life and the sensitive issue of the boy’s harassment. Jean has been privileged by Mary as a confidant regardless of her position as a social worker. Secondly, Mary has testified that the boy is in great risk if the father continues to be near him. The need for confiding is to edge nearer to the truth about both Mary’s and the baby’s condition and if the father had in any way molested or even sexually assaulted the baby. This is based on the fact that Mary wants the issue of the baby and the father kept secret. Jean has a duty to warn the patient of the impending dangers of going back to her husband and the subsequent eventualities on the baby (143). The husband might be more violent and as he is used to, beat her and abuse the child. Jean should, assess and document Mary’s problems and inform the liable authorities. This way, the principles of the practice of informed consent won’t put Jean at a risk of prosecutions since if ‘the clients' safety is jeopardized, Mary risked with her consent fully aware of the implications as advised by Jean (Bednar et al., 1991). According to Hill, Glaser and Harden, ‘the protection of Mary takes precedence over Mary agreeing to treatment in this emergency situation (143). Addressing the issues From the onset, Jean should document Mary’s case and inform the facilitator of the impeding problem. This way she will be able to present credible evidence about Mary’s case to any referral or during counseling. Documenting Mary’s case is the initial step to address the problem. This, she should do in a manner that wont risk the confidentiality of the victims. She should make available the basic care Mary and the child need. This she should do at the earliest convenience even before Mary tells away any further problems she is facing. Jean has already assessed the immediate consequences of foregoing treatment and since Mary’s behavioral reac ­tion to the current situation is potentially harmful to herself and the baby. If help is not offered immediately, she has to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure no harm comes to Mary and the baby (Bednar et al). As such, Jean has to protect the confidentiality to ensure the baby and the mothers are safe as well as herself (WHO, 2001). Jean should take into consideration that the victim’s physical safety is the most important step; as such she should not allow Mary to leave the facility whatsoever until a resolve is found. Also, she should make sure the confidentiality of the victim remains prioritized. Each resolve she uses should be aimed at reducing any possible caused to Mary. The baby should be given all necessary child protection amenities and kept safe. This should be prioritized to avert Mary’s irrationality from taking unprecedented emotional toll on the baby. These actions will safeguard both the mother and baby. Consultation There is an urgent need for Jean to consult with relevant authorities about the issue of the husband. This is based on an intuitive and the critical evaluative levels of moral reasoning as argued by Kitchener (1984). This will help Jean have a background and a foreword on what Mary needs in therapy and if, she Jean, is capable or cannot, based on a cognitive evaluation of the confidence aspect of the case, continue to counsel Mary. This will promptly lead to consulting with another counselor to help Mary. Jean has to account if the cognitive and rational respites are good for both the subjects and herself, and if, in her perspective, would they befit her (Hill, Glaser and Harden, 12). Through consultation Jean can be able to identify a better treatment. She and the colleague can re-examine the data Jean has collected about the patient and come up with a more decisive resolve. The new resolve might affect Mary and breach the ethics of confidentiality, but they are effective and would result to helping Mary once and for all. Not to honor the client's choice without compelling reasons would constitute a paternalistic response from the Jean (Hill, Glaser and Harden, 25). The considerations here should aim at making sure more benefits and less harm came to Mary conceptually regardless of her perception. Jean will continue to evaluate and consult about the case to find more appropriate resolves in principal. To consult with someone and document the consultation when in doubt is a mandatory practice which Jean should not ignore. Consultation is mandatory since the situation involves physical harm to both Mary and the baby and threats and circum ­stances in which abuse is susceptible (Hill, Glaser and Harden, 25). Responsibility Jean Is now bound in principal as the guardian to Mary. She has to follow up the case and make sure that Mary’s therapy continues so as to have her empowered to become independent and have the ability to have autonomy and an emotional balance so as to make rational decisions. Her commitment to Mary is to ensure Mary recovers and regains her autonomy Other considerations Jean should assess if the potential risk of Mary and the boy coming to harm and if all suggestions made to clients were meant to ensure clients' safety. She should make sure Interventions initiated to decrease the risk of the baby coming to harm. On the case of the mother, she should consult clinical opinions regarding clients' capacity so that she can assess if the mother’s ability to determine right from wrong. Consultation with other professionals and supervisors so as to have Mary watched and advised incase she is not within proximity of the facility. Works cited Brasseur. D (2001) Ethical considerations in clinical trials;(CPMP) Hill, M., Glaser, K., & Harden, J, () A feminist model for ethical decision making Murray, L., & Cooper, P. (Eds). (1997).   Postpartum depression and child development. New York: The Guilford Press. Nama.N., & Swartz.L., (2002): Ethical and Social Dilemmas in Community-based Controlled Trials in Situations of Poverty: A View from a South African Project : Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 12: 286–297

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Exploring Rita Dove’s “The Darker Face of the Earth”

â€Å"An expert poet, a creative story writer and adept at writing scripts of various genres†; all things, which make the world filled with writings. This is one of the gorgeous ways of delineating the character of an American poet and author, Rita Frances Dove. â€Å"I think the worst thing that can happen to a poet is to be self-conscious, to think, ‘I’m writing a poem’ the moment that you’re writing a poem.† With all this line, as quoted by Ingersoll (2003) during an interview held at the University Press of Mississippi, Rita Dove shows her philosophical adage and belief about the essence of every event happening around her.It merely signifies that whatever things come along the way should be given an explicit notion whether it could bring good and a noteworthy happening or an adverse occurrence. In other words, exploring the never-ending queries that come to her mind is what makes her personality an avid â€Å"truth seeker† to find the real significance of her surroundings. For a better comprehension about where her life revolves around and to what principle does it lie, her play entitled â€Å"The Darker Face of the Earth† explains how Dove exploits the story Oedipus Rex for her own purpose.As a writer who delves into the stone of knowledge, she brings more insightful prospects with regard to the contemporary issues arising from her community—trying to compare the huge difference or similarity between all characters of the two stories, The Darker Face of the Earth and Oedipus Rex.Significance of the Play ‘The Darker Face of the Earth’Her notion concerning the mixture of races leads her to creating a more compelling play, which she entitled ‘The Darker Face of the Earth’ (Pereira). Hence, her views concern marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race. Such a perspective comes from the event, which has taken place in th e late 20th century America (â€Å"History of slavery in America starts in 15th century Europe: The Cincinnati Enquirer,† Bauer).As an analysis of the play’s title, Dove picks it from one of the lines in the play depicting sexual intercourse between two different races—White and Black: â€Å"When the pear blossoms / cast their pale faces on / the darker face of the earth† (1st ed. 76). Augustus, a mulatto (the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person) delivers this line as he explicates about his notion on miscegenation. A variety of scholars that criticize the play focuses more on the usage of ‘cast’ in the line, which connotes that the presence of insult while using the â€Å"pale faces† on â€Å"darker face(s)† is inevitable.Therefore, the line is obviously a representation of rapes done by the white men to the number of black women prior to the American Civil War. Such coercive intercourse between a wh ite person and a member of another race is emotionally or psychologically untroubled in the play. For a better comprehension, such kind of relationship is shown in the play where Amalia, the white plantation mistress, finds the way to having a sexual intercourse with the slave Hector.As a result, the existence of Augustus, the mulatto, is just inevitable. Based on the play, his mother Amalia willingly finds measures only to obtain a sexual intercourse with Hector in response to her husband Louis, who have raped slave girls (1st ed. 14-16).The Darker Face of the Earth begins the flow of its story with the Augustus’s natal day to Amalia Jennings LaFarge, a white slave mistress, from a sexual intercourse with the black slave Hector. Augustus is obviously born with combined characteristics of more than one kind—White and Black races.With stormy or turbulent characteristics, Louis LaFarge makes way so that people may never acknowledge Augustus as Amalia’s child. The couple tells the people that her child died at birth in spite of the fact that a doctor takes him away with an aim at raising baby Augustus as a slave. Consequently, Hector becomes devastated by grief. Helplessly, he does not know what to do with his life; anguish overshadows his life for a number of years.Augustus’s fatherly white master gives him the twenty years of education and various kinds of journey from different places; hence, he experiences combined cultural aspects. No later than this period, the white master brings the twenty-year old Augustus to the Jennings even though he knows that this son of Amalia had an insurrection lately. Unknowing that Amalia is his mother for he has once told that he was a child of a slave woman, who had been raped by his white master; he begins an affair with his biological mother.Nevertheless, there is one slave woman named Phebe who desires an affair with him but it does not take too long as another slave Scylla tells him about the p ossible outcome of their affair that would lead him in a certain demise. He listens to what Scylla tells him; however, he unintentionally kills Hector when he becomes involved in a rebellion. He does not know that Hector is his biological father to Amalia; thus, he puts his father to certain demise in order to prevent him from divulging the machination, which has just taken place between him and Amalia.Ultimately, he has been ordered to kill Amalia that makes him troubled. However, he thinks Louis LaFarge is his father so he kills him. In spite of that fact, Amalia tells him the reality, and whilst in a good position of doing so, her son learns that she and Hector are his parents—a fact that he has just learned and realized to be all machinated.As an analysis of such circumstances, it becomes quite easy to learn that there is the presence of sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race; hence, a mulatto or the first-generation offspring of a black pe rson and a white person comes to existence—Augustus, the son of whom he links to.  Ã¢â‚¬ËœThe Darker Face of the Earth’ and ‘Oedipus Rex’The Darker Face of the Earth is a narration of Sophocles’s drama entitled ‘Oedipus Rex’ that is shaped from the image of a pre-Civil War plantation near Charleston, South Carolina. Like Oedipus Rex, the play harmoniously relates the loveliness and royalty of the old concept of legendary conspiracy as Dove portrays the surpassing authority, an underlying cause of change when it comes to erotic occurrences. Moreover, the play is not created from the Oedipus myth but also from the real events of slavery in the 15th century America (â€Å"History of slavery in America starts in 15th century Europe: The Cincinnati Enquirer,† Bauer).One of the most significant events happens in the play is that concerns with the critical scene in which Amalia interviews Augustus, her newly purchased slave (â€Å"Th e Darker Face of the Earth: Completely Revised Second Edition,† Dove). Amalia listens as the new slave sings â€Å"the sorrow songs,† and explaining, â€Å"They don't need a psalm book.† (2nd ed. 82). Notwithstanding his explication, he gives assurance on his own literacy; lists the books of his formative education: â€Å"Milton. The Bible. / And the Tales of the Greeks† (2nd ed. 83). Amalia holds the book and reads about â€Å"Tales of the Greeks†.While reading the contents, Amalia tries to narrate the latest event, which she learned through both newspaper and word of mouth accounts particularly when it comes to the story of slavery. However, she revises some of the events happened in the history in order to make it suitable to her present life. As the conversation of the two continues, Augustus narrates his personal history about slavery (2nd ed. 89-90). Meanwhile, they listen to Amalia’s husband, Louis LaFarge in his room while reading the night sky for portents (2nd ed. 87-88). Therefore, as a result, such a scene brings about the fact that Amalia and Augustus are embracing, according to Pereira (2003).Nevertheless, prior to such an embrace, Augustus turns poetical as he reads an imaginary past portraying Amalia’s views of his personal notion: â€Å"One soft spring night when the pear blossoms cast their pale faces on the darker face of the earth, Massa stood up from the porch swing and said to himself, â€Å"I think I'll make me another bright-eyed pick-aninny.† Then he stretched and headed for my mother's cabin.† (2nd ed. 92).Therefore, Augustus makes a certain fictionalized interpretation of his personal life by means of verbal imagery. This is to say that, such narration of his own life opposes much of the actual experiences and circumstances with regard to his nativity. Moreover, even though Augustus is indeed a child who is born by the union of combined bloods—a white and a black sl ave, still it is a union of love, and is not achieved by force or threat or any act of compelling. Furthermore, as to his story, his mother is white while his father is black. Hence, the presence of an irony on his narration is obviously overshadowing the story.The Darker Face of the Earth has a similar involvement of sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that law forbids them to marry or the statutory crime of such a relationship. The practice of slavery by contradicting the marriage to the slave and by restraining sexual interest in intermediate relation to a slave and a master, contradicts authority to give the title father, mother, sister, or brother with conviction and reality.On the other hand, in Oedipus Rex, the so called, ‘King’ never mentions the name of his parents because of his ‘sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that law forbids them to marry’ or ‘the statutory crime of such a relationship’ and t he act of murdering his or her father, mother, or a close relative (Sterren, M.D.). Therefore, The Darker Face of the Earth remains bold and strong without the presence of a king or Oedipus Rex.The Darker Face of the Earth comes after the prototype but not the story line of Oedipus Rex. Based on comparison of the two stories, Sophocles begins the flow of his story with the vision of a comprehensive constitutional king or queen. For a better comprehension, Oedipus appears as a stranger to his city, which is under his rules. Moreover, Thebes is permitted as a right or privilege by the former king in terms of marriage as a sort of recompense for solving an enigma in a murderous Sphinx.The story begins with the appearance of tranquility; however, the entire city is ravaged by the plague. In addition, Oedipus kills his father and marries his mother. However, Dove begins his play with the birth of an Oedipus—Augustus, the child of an African slave named Hector and Amalia Jennings.C onclusionWhen it comes to analyzing a variety of poems, dramas, and plays, a number of critics and scholars believe that The Darker Face of the Earth and Oedipus Rex make contemporary issues with regard to slavery and racial union a world of antiquity, which continues to revolve. Despite of the fact that two authors, Dove and Sophocles, create a harmonious flow of the story, yet the presence of some sorts of variation in terms of the story’s themes and lines become inevitable due to the environment or scene in which the characters move and play their roles. Dove’s 1994 play entitled ‘The Darker Face of the Earth’ mirrors numerous themes or artistic representations and certain machinations or contrivances, which take place in an ancient Greek play by Sophocles’s ‘Oedipus Rex’.In The Darker Face of the Earth, there is the presence of ignorance and anger as the issue that concerns with slavery is much concerned. Intelligence never complete s this play, as the characters seem to be marked by a lack of restraint although some events are not coercive. However, there is the presence of these themes in Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex; intelligence overshadows the characters, as they do every thing in accordance with the right way— no merciless qualities. In both plays, fortune obviously works as the protagonists act as victims while doing the part of voluntary agents. Hence, the fortune of every individual works out with his personal behavior without focusing on his culture. Although Oedipus and Augustus exist in different ways, yet they have the choice to control their fortune.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The impact of Dizzy Gillespie on the development of modern jazz Essay

The impact of Dizzy Gillespie on the development of modern jazz - Essay Example In addition, the paper aims to bring a close understanding of need of revolution and development in the jazz genre of music. In-depth highlights will be provided in the paper regarding the collaborations that helped Dizzy Gillespie in bringing developing or positive impact on jazz music. It should be noted that Dizzy Gillespie was able to work in collaboration with Charlie Parker who was a saxophonist. The collaboration of both the musicians was able to introduce be-bop revolution. As a matter of fact, the revolution was not just limited to sleek and high speed musical addition as the style of jazz music but also intensified tune (Crow). This duo was widely famous around the world because they rather made it easier for the musicians to follow jazz music. In other words, Dizzy Gillespie along with Parker redefined jazz music. To them, it was extremely needed that musicians were playing an easier music so that the audiences can also follow the beats. In addition, the reach of jazz music, back in 1960s, was limited to certain regions (Shipton). Therefore, it was the need of the time to spread the music to different parts of the world so that people could follow differing tunes and tempos that were being provided by jazz music. Notwithstanding, there were many critical appraisals that were received by the jazz music (Crow). One of the vibrant changes that he successfully brought in jazz music was the inclusion of Afro-Cuban music (Davenport). Most of the music analysts claimed that the inclusion of the combination music allowed jazz music to develop as it needed resolution. Also, analysis and music critics claimed that Dizzy Gillespie was able to undertake such a huge change within the jazz music because he had a very entertaining approach towards music-making. A lot of people claimed that he had very fun techniques to produce music that ultimately made him work with many musicians (Crow). As a matter of fact, there was a huge fight between Mr.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Urgent & Unscheduled Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Urgent & Unscheduled Care - Essay Example Urgent care centres shall be open on a continuous and 24-hour basis. Unscheduled care can be defined not only as the professional care, but also as the social care provided to a patient who cannot be ignored. The need of the unscheduled care is not pre-planned or an appointment with a professional. The concept says that the demand for unscheduled care can possibly incur at any time and the services should be provided in order to fulfil the demands of the one in need. Whenever contacted for, the unscheduled care shall be available. It gives the framework that if the unscheduled care is delayed, it can result in the loss of time or long term illness (Hill 34). The urgent and unscheduled care may have five levels of care at which they are operable. The levels of care are organized in the way of their priorities and type of care required. As the complexity of the problem increases, the volumes of such patients coming for urgent need decreases. This is because the more complex the problem of the patient will be, the more planned and organized the treatment will be for which there is scheduled care. The levels of care are a strategic framework according to which the hospitals and walk in centres prepare their equipment and professionals. The first level of urgent care is the self care. This means the patient is capable enough to provide himself with the immediate care needed, for example an injury happens, so the patient himself washes it, applies an antiseptic and puts on a band-aid. Self care can be provided by the nearby people or family members too. At times self care is provided by professionals through techniques such as the phone and internet. In some countries there are medical professionals who are available on the phone and internet 24 hours a day, so the patient can get the best urgent treatment at home if getting to the hospital may take long (Laird, Wardrope 278). The second level of care is

Sociological factor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sociological factor - Essay Example They were housewives and their sole purpose in life was to please their man and do as he pleases. They essentially lacked basic rights and chained to the circumstances of their lives. They usually did not even get a say in who their husband is going to be, as their husband was chosen for them by their husband. A change has happened in the 20th century, when in the 1920s millions of people in the US migrated from the countryside to cities, where more modern views were held and practiced. This was a pre-step in getting more acknowledgement, freedom and equal treatment. Later on, in the 1930s and 1940s, as World War 2 raged on and resources and manpower were low, women were incorporated in the labor, preparations, assistance of the soldiers in the frontlines and at home. They were given primary positions which were very important to the remainder of the war. Their positions were mainly those of nurses, seamstresses, food suppliers and many other positions traditionally associated with women, but it was a big leap when they were incorporated in the war effort because until then it wasnt allowed. The totality of the war actually brought about their incorporation in the war, and sometimes even in crucial positions. After the war had ended, women realized that if they were good enough to help th e war effort and do their jobs just like men did, why shouldnt they be able to do these things and other things in their everyday lives? The movement of the liberation of women began to sprout. Women claimed that if they were good enough to participate in the war effort and do their jobs exactly like men, they should also be able to do any job in real life and be acknowledged as equal to men. They also stated that without their help, the soldiers wouldnt have their supplies, their clothing, their medical assistance and so on. This notion of gender equality continued

Monday, August 26, 2019

Live-Action American Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Live-Action American Film - Essay Example Thereafter when the posse moves out of the train, the director transitions the angle of the camera to ensure that it is level with the Posse however that the camera has been positioned behind them which mean that the audience only sees their backs (Dirks 1). Hill subsequently changes to the use of a telephoto lens to show that the posse is far creating a scenario where they do not tire of the chase thereby creating an image that is familiar. The telephoto lens ensures that the identity of the posse is not revealed to the audience and ensures that the audience can only relate to Butch and Kid. This is because the director has created a sense of the unknown and makes the audience want to know more about the posse (Dirks 1). The use of a zoom feature is used to ensure that the audience feels that they are a part of the fast chase. In one of the chase scenes, the camera zooms in on the posse then slowly zooms out to the location where Butch and Kid who are climbing up a mountainside not too far from the posse and therefore the audience can see how fast the posse is gaining on them(Dirks 1). Another example of the manner in which Hill makes inventive use of storytelling is in his use of music in the film. The music was limited to four sequences; in the first, Butch Cassidy (takes Etta who is Sundance’s girl out for a morning ride on the bicycle. The music that is used is â€Å"Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head† that was written by Burt Bacharach (Dirks 1). The second sequence uses an orchestra theme that is used to set out a montage of photographs of Butch, Etta and Sundance as they travel to New York City. The third use of music is seen when it is used to show the robbing adventures of Butch, Etta and Kid in Bolivia and here a pop them is performed by both a chorus and an orchestra. Music is also used briefly as an underscore in a later scene

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing communications presentation of apple Essay

Marketing communications presentation of apple - Essay Example Organizations that capitalize on customers' active participation in organizational activities can gain competitive advantage through greater sales volume, enhanced operating efficiencies, positive word-of-mouth publicity, reduced marketing expenses, and enhanced customer loyalty (Lovelock & Young, 1979; Reichheld & Sasser, 1990). Channel communications works in a two-way system wherein information transfers to the user and bounces all the way back to the producer (Goldberg & McCalley, 1992). In other words, marketing communications works like a feedback system, which allows company producers to relay information to the customers. In response to the provided information, consumers give certain reactions or behaviors. In this light, the electronic transformation of the services offered by Apple agency will result to better and more efficient and effective customer service system to the clientele. Moreover, the functionality of the online portal for the marketing and advertising needs of the agency will most possibly result to increase customer reach, satisfaction level and return of investment.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 60

Discussion - Assignment Example This is because Osama Bin Laden was its leader, and was responsible for providing it with ideological, as well as spiritual leadership. Despite his death, and the defeat of Al-Qaeda, the nation has not yet healed from this attack. This is because other terrorist organizations have emerged that target American citizens. These organizations are affiliated to Al-Qaida (Riedel, 22). This includes terrorist organizations such as Al-Shabab, operating in Somalia, and ISIS, a terror group aimed at establishing a caliphate in the Middle-East. These groups have managed to target and kill American civilians. This includes the latest beheadings of American journalists in Iraq (Otis, 3). These actions have caused great anger against these terrorist organizations, and United States is seeking to build an international coalition that can fight against these new terror organizations. Prominent Islamic leaders have disowned these groups, denoting that the use of violence against non Muslim members is against the principles of Islam. To fight these groups, there is a need of the government to use a two pronged approach. The government should use the military to prevent these groups from attacking its interests. The government should also initiate measures aimed at promoting religious tolerance amongst the leading religious groups. This is through education, and inclusive

Friday, August 23, 2019

Blogs for innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Blogs for innovation - Essay Example During their arrival, Orchha was gradually emerging as a tourist attraction. Due to poverty and lack of knowledge in the region, it prevented the growth of tourism (Sisodia, 2013). As a result, Asha came up with a Village Home Stay program intended for Orchha village. The aim of the program was to exploit tourism opportunities in the region in order to enhance local economic development, education, cultural exchanges between locals and visitors as well as environmental protection. It had also to offer the people of Orchha with superior work opportunities, which would positively influence the individual life of the residents. In 2007, Asha founded Friends of Orchha with the aid of a few friends from Europe to enhance tourism that is socially responsible and one that would offer an opportunity for cultural exchanges and a source of income for the needy families (Sisodia, 2013). Friends of Orchha provided help to the poor families to build and renovate their courtyards that would be hired to visitors. The families were engaged to participate voluntarily in the construction of three homestays. At that particular moment, the families were unable to carry on their main activity, which was farming that was brought to a halt by drought from 2003 to 2007 (Sisodia, 2013). Therefore, they had no capital to invest, and the organization had to set up a revolving fund, which helped to build the first three home stays. Participating families provided labor in building the sanitary block and rooms. In 2009, the first room was rented out and since then the home stay has hosted more than 500 visitors from different countries. The exploiting of the tourism opportunities improved the economic conditions of the residents as well as their live style (Sisodia, 2013). With this regard, I agree with the case as it attempts to point out issues in operating gainful employment amongst a large rural population in India. It addresses that the inability to dialogue in spoken

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Journal Writing Essay Example for Free

Journal Writing Essay During this class I have made two self- discoveries that will positively impact my career goals. Those self- discoveries has helped to mold, and shape me into a student that I have never thought I would be. Those discoveries were that I am an organized learner, because I made a study plan to help me determine when, and how I would study. Being that I have five children, I had to make sure that I had set a schedule so that my course work including study time would not affect my family time and take away from spending time with my children and fiance`. Since these are the competing priorities in my life right now learning to obtain trust and consistency in the home while I have been attending school has also improved because not only do I see my success so does my children and fiancà ©. Knowing that I had that support also has made it possible to do my best in school, setting the pace for them to do the same in school also, whether it be good grades, sports, etc. I know that they will continue to be good at what they do and have proven to do so time after time. Another self- discovery that I have made that will positively impact my career goals is my willpower. Willpower has become my greatest strength. Being able to control what I do, leaded to personal improvement. I realize that lack of willpower not only causes you to lose focus it also allows you to fail to achieve goals. My ability to resist short-term temptations have helped me to meet some of my long term goals already. There has never been a day that I thought that I could not achieve my goals. I kept a positive mindset just so I could keep going. Negativity takes a lot of willpower from you and I think success is a part of having a positive mindset. Having that determination was not easy at first I can say that, but having that willpower and thinking about my future will positively impact my career goals. Two self-discoveries that I believe will positively impact my personal life, o ne is my happiness. If I am not happy there is nothing good that will come out of being unhappy. In my life I noticed that unhappy people wait for something to make them happy. Happy people make themselves happy without hesitation because they choose to have  positivity surround them in all areas of their lives. I am that happy person, I do not feel like being unhappy because it drains energy, it drains potential, it sucks the life out of you, and it keeps you from becoming successful. I am happy because I am not afraid of change, I am valued, and I attend school knowing that I am a success story. I learned to create positive changes in my life. In doing so this has made a positive impact on my personal life. My character will also have a positive impact on my life. Knowing who I am, my beliefs, values, and morals. The clearer I became about what I value and what I believed in the more effective I became not only for me, but for my family, my friends, and my peers. I have this thirst for knowledge and a thirst to make the best out of any situation and this impacts my personal life in so many positive ways because when I know who I am , my children will learn their true identity because they are my children and they share the same DNA. My grandmother use to tell me that I can be different from everyone else and still be blessed and fabulous, and I believed her.So this has played a part in my self- identity. I also had to explore what my heart wanted, so that I could truly identify who I was, the most beautiful thing that could have happened to me was unfolding that I was an excellent mother, a great friend, and a superb student. Knowing these few things lead me to know who I was in the beginning and knowing this has made a positive impact in my personal life. My biggest take way from this course is keeping a growth mindset and knowing that I always have room for improvement. I want to keep ownership over my learning experience. I am in control of my success. I am able to keep this in mind and always grow with it. This is something that I had to develop because when I was younger I had a fixed mindset I did not want to change because I was set in my ways and it felt like everything I was doing had failed me, so I figured that I would quit trying and give up. One day that change I started thinking of other approaches of how to be better and I used trial and error as a way of figuring out what I needed to do. So as I was thinking and applying I realized that I had that growth mindset and I have kept it all through the years. While learning about the fixed mindset and growth mindset I gained a better understanding on what life is really about also and I saw the bigger picture. The way I perceived it to be is to  noticed that if something is not working right the way you are doing it, then try another way and if that works out better than stick with it, but have fun with it and be creative and then you will be successful that way . Life is about trial and error and never giving up no matter what.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Inner Beauty Matters Essay Example for Free

Inner Beauty Matters Essay Inner beauty matters How many times do we see ourselves in the mirror and make negative comments about our looks. I’m not pretty or I’m too fat or I’m too overweight. These are few of the phrases that first come to mind in most girls when they look at themselves in the mirror. Well, 90% of teenage girls do not like the way they look or appear. The reason for that is in our society you get attention from people if you look attractive and stunning. Some girls who are overweight would get negative comments from peers like- ‘That girl is too ugly’ or ‘That girl looks like a bulldozer’. Fat is not something you have, it is something you are. We dont say You have fat, we say, You are fat. We identify with our bodies. So the teenager gets the message that this fatness is badness. Some of the teenagers who don’t accept the way they look, try to change themselves by dieting which leads to illnesses and diseases like anorexia. Dieting is the practice of ingesting food in a regulated fashion to achieve or maintain a controlled weight. In most cases the goal is weight loss in those who are overweight or obese, but some people these days start dieting because they want to change the way they appear to the society. But what really matters in life? An old proverb states, â€Å"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. † Something or someone is beautiful, depending on the perspective of the person looking in. But the major thing that matters is- Is the person good-looking from inside? Because Without a doubt inner beauty lasts forever whereas outer beauty fades. Anyone can fake the outside to make himself or herself look better and pretty but inner beauty cant be faked. For example you could be the most beautiful person in the world but if you have a horrible personality it just makes you ugly. Your body image is how you perceive, think and feel about your body but this may have no link at all on your actual appearance. For instance, it is common in Western nations for women to believe they are larger and fatter than they really are. Only 16% of women are satisfied with their body weight. Our body shape is already decided before we are born. Each one of us is a unique human being with our own genes from our mum and dad. There is only one person in the world shaped like you. Dieting does not change body shape. The distribution of weight on your body is going to stay the same so learn to love who you are. Dieting is not effective dieting changes a persons metabolism so that they are more likely to lose muscle mass than fat. Instead of dieting to look better and attractive, you can exercise, which is the best and safest way to become healthier. Feeling good about your body as it is helps you to maintain a positive outlook in other areas of your life.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ammonium Perchlorate Decomposition in Nano-titania

Ammonium Perchlorate Decomposition in Nano-titania Thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate in the presence of commercial nano-titania Mostafa Mahinroosta* Abstract Addition of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles (especially transition metal oxides) to ammonium perchlorate improves its thermal decomposition via decreasing the high temperature of decomposition. Two mechanisms including electron-transfer and proton-transfer have been proposed for thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. In this research field, nanometer transition metal oxides have attracted a growing attention. Titanium dioxide exists under three crystalline forms of rutile, anatase, and brookite. All three forms occur naturally but the latter is rather rare and has no commercial interest. Anatase becomes more stable than rutile when the particle size is decreased below 14 nm. In the present study, commercial nano-titania with an average particle size of 10-25 nm was added to ammonium perchlorate. Catalytic effect of the titania nanoparticles on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate was evaluated. Some samples of ammonium perchlorate consisting of various mass l oadings of nano-titania were prepared. Thermogravimetry analysis results indicate that addition of titania nanoparticles to ammonium perchlorate lessens decomposition temperature of ammonium perchlorate. The most decrease in the decomposition temperature was 61  °C and observed in the presence of 3 wt.% of nanometer titanium dioxide. Keywords: Titania; Ammonium perchlorate; Thermal decomposition; Nanostructure. 1. Introduction Over the past few years, nanoparticles of many different compounds and combinations have received considerable attention in the scientific and engineering research fields [1]. Nanometer materials exhibit a much larger surface area for a certain mass or volume compared to conventional particles [2]. The oxide nanoparticles are the materials with good electrical, optical, magnetic, and catalytic properties that are different from their bulk counterparts [3]. Reduction in the particle size lessens the transient heat conduction travel through the particle over time, and an increase in the surface-to-volume ratio leads to better dispersion of the particles in the mixture, increasing the reactant sites. Finally, the nanometer particles can have completely different surface chemistry, often better than their micron-sized counterparts [4]. Among these nanostructure oxides, titanium dioxide or titania (TiO2) nanostructures have emerged as one of the most promising materials because of their p otential for gas sensors, especially for humidity and oxygen detection [2, 3, 5], optical devices [3, 5, 6], photocatalysis [2, 3, 6], fabricating capacitors in microelectronic devices due to its unusually high dielectric constant [3, 6], pigments [2, 7], adsorbents [7], and solar cells [5]. A relatively low level of TiO2 is needed to achieve a white opaque coating which is resistant to discoloration under ultraviolet light. TiO2 pigment is used in many diverse products, such as paints, coatings, glazes, enamels, plastics, papers, inks, fibers, foods, pharmaceuticals or cosmetics. Pure titanium dioxide is colorless in the massive state, non-toxic, thermally stable, inert versus acids, alkalis and solvents, and insoluble. It exists under three fundamental crystalline phases: rutile which is the most stable and the most abundant form, anatase (octahedrite) and brookite. All three forms occur naturally but the latter is rather rare and has no commercial interest. Anatase becomes more s table than rutile when the particle size is decreased below 14 nm. Generally speaking, the functional properties of nano-TiO2 are influenced by a large number of factors such as particle size, surface area, synthesis method and conditions, and crystallinity [2]. The presence of nano metals and metal oxides especially transition metal oxides as the nanocatalyst in solid propellant formulations tailors the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate (AP in short). Thermal decomposition improvement of AP as a powerful oxidizer salt has attracted many attentions [1, 4, 8-10]. Decrease amounts of decomposition temperature of AP in the presence of the different nano metal and metal oxides are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 is here Vargeese [26] showed that significant reduction in activation energy indicates a strong catalytic activity of TiO2 on the thermal decomposition of AP. Fujimura and Miyake [27] studied the effect of specific surface area of TiO2 on the thermal decomposition of AP and concluded that the thermal decomposition temperature of AP decreases when the specific surface area of TiO2 increases. The catalytic effect of commercial nanometer titanium dioxide on the thermal decomposition of AP is investigated within the scope of this study. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Materials Ammonium perchlorate (monomodal 120  µm) was purchased from Merck. Commercial nano-TiO2 in anatase form was purchased from Pishgaman Company located in Mashhad, Iran (Figure. 1). Its purity was more than 99%. Chemical composition and physical properties of nano-TiO2 are given in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. Table 2 is here Table 3 is here 2.2. Methods 2.2.1. X-ray diffraction analysis X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of TiO2 nanoparticles was performed with a Philips PW 1800 powder X-ray diffractometer using CuKÃŽ ± radiation at 40 kV and 30 mA. 2.2.2. Transmission Electron Microscopy Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of nano-TiO2 was prepared on a Philips transmission electron microscope operated at an accelerating voltage of 100 kV. 2.2.3. Thermogravimetry analysis The thermal decomposition processes of the samples were characterized by thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) using Dupont 2000 instrument at a heating rate of 10  °C/min until temperature of 600  °C. 2.2.4. Sample preparation The AP was mixed with various mass loadings of TiO2 nanoparticles namely 1, 2, and 3 wt.% to prepare the samples for thermal decomposition study. Theses samples were labeled as AP1T (AP+1% nano-TiO2), AP2T (AP+2% nano-TiO2), and AP3T (AP+3% nano-TiO2). Before thermal decomposition experiments using TGA technique, the samples were homogenized. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Characterization of nanostructure The TEM analysis was performed to confirm the actual size of the particles and the distribution of the crystallites. It is clear from the micrograph that the average size of the particles is located in range of 10-25 nm. TEM image of TiO2 nanoparticles is shown in Figure 2. Clear spherical structure can be seen from this figure. Figure 3 shows the X-ray diffractogram of the commercial nano-TiO2. It can be obviously seen that that diffraction peaks appear in the pattern associated with the anatase phase with proper crystalline nature. A very strong anatase peak is observed at 2ÆÅ ¸ of 25.25 °, assigned to (101) plane. Other anatase peaks are observed at 2ÆÅ ¸ of 37.7 ° (004), 47.7 ° (200), 53.54 ° (105), and 62.32 ° (204). 3.2. Catalytic activity of nano-titania Figure 4 shows the TGA curve for the thermal decomposition of pure AP. As can be seen in figure 4, the first exothermic peak is appeared in temperature of 327  °C that accompanied by a weight loss of 18 wt.%. This peak can be related to the partial decomposition of AP and the formation of some NH3 and HClO4 via dissociation and sublimation. The second exothermic peak is occurred in temperature of 411  °C. The weight loss in this stage is about 92 wt.% that is corresponding to complete decomposition of transition products to volatile products. Figure 5 presents the TGA curves associated with thermal decomposition of AP in the presence of 1, 2, and 3 wt.% of TiO2 nanoparticles. From this figure, it is clear that the partial decomposition of AP in the presence of 1, 2, and 3 wt.% of TiO2 nanoparticles is happened in a temperature much lower than 327  °C. Also, complete decomposition of AP in the presence of 1, 2, and 3 wt.% of TiO2 nanoparticles is occurred in temperatures of 370, 360, and 350  °C, respectively that accompanied by decrease of 41, 51, and 61 °C, respectively. It is obvious that addition of nano-sized TiO2 to AP has deep effect on the exothermic decomposition of AP. According to these results, it can be concluded that the catalytic effect of nano-sized TiO2 is observed mainly on high-temperature decomposition process and not on the initial stages of decomposition. 3.3. Mechanism of thermal decomposition of AP Based on the recent studies, two main mechanisms have been suggested for thermal decomposition of AP [11, 16, 17, 21]: First mechanism: electron transfer from perchlorate ion to ammonium ion which is as follows: ClO4+NH3+→ClO40+NH40 NH40→NH3+H ClO40+ClO4=ClO4+ClO40 HClO4+H→H2O+ClO3 Second mechanism: proton transfer from ammonium ion to perchlorate ion which is as follows: NH4ClO4(s) →NH4++ClO4→NH3(s) +HClO4(s) →NH3(g) +HClO4(g) For first mechanism, it is proposed that the rate-determining stage is electron transfer and inasmuch as the p-type semiconductors have positive holes, they can accept the released electron from perchlorate ion. Thus, these catalysts accelerate the electron transfer. eoxide+ClO4→Ooxide+ClO3→1/2O2+ClO3+eoxide in which eoxide is a positive hole in the valence band of the oxide and Ooxide is an abstracted oxygen atom from oxide. It is clear that this mechanism includes two steps: 1) oxidation of ammonia and 2) dissociation of ClO4 species into ClO3 and O2. In first step, metal oxides exhibit high catalytic activity in ammonia oxidation and in second step metal oxides accept the released electron from ammonia oxidation that may promote the dissociation of ClO4 into ClO3 and O2. For second mechanism, steps (I)-(III) have been proposed. In step (I), the ammonium and perchlorate ions are paired. Step (II) is started with proton transfer from NH4+ cation to ClO4 anion and the molecular complex is formed that then is decomposed into NH3 and HClO4 in step (III). The molecules of NH3 and HClO4 react in adsorbed layer on the perchlorate surface or they are desorbed and sublimed that is accompanied by interactions in gas phase. NH4+ClO4 ↔ NH3-H-ClO4 ↔ NH3-HClO4 ↔ NH3(a)+HClO4(a) (I) (II) (III) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ NH3(g)+HClO4(g) At low temperature (2, N2O, Cl2, NO, and H2O are formed. Based on proton transfer, during high-temperature decomposition, the nanoparticles adsorb the reactive molecules on their surface and catalyze the reaction. The existence of more holes in p-type semiconductor catalysts is responsible for the increasing of the AP decomposition. In this study, the mechanism of thermal decomposition of AP in the presence of the TiO2 nanoparticles can be explained as follows: Titanium has the electronic configuration of [Ar]3d24s2. Experiments have demonstrated that it can form both +3 and +4 oxidation state, so it can lose 3 or 4 electrons to form cations. The +4 state is the most common and stable, because it is able to form an octet. The +3 state is less stable (more reactive) because it leaves a single d electron in the valence orbital. Ti4+ cation in TiO2 structure has s and d-type orbitals with 3d04s0 electronic configuration. These orbitals have not been filled with electrons and provide a useful space for electron transfer in AP thermal decomposition and play the role of a bridge. By accepting transferred electrons resulted from ClO4 degradation, ClO4 degradation is promoted. On the other hand, TiO2 nanoparticles have high specific surface area and large amount of surface active sites that increase adsorption of reactive molecules in gas phase to the surface and promote the redox reactions between them. 4. Conclusions The results of thermogravimetry analysis show that the nanometer titanium dioxide has significant catalytic effect on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. The presence of nano-sized titanium dioxide improves significantly the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. With increase of content of nanometer titanium dioxide, the decrease in decomposition temperature of ammonium perchlorate becomes greater. References [1] Jennifer, LS, Matthew, AS, Sameer, D, Eric, LP, and Sudipta, S: Burn rate sensitization of solid propellants using a nano-titania additive. In: Proceeding of the 20th international colloquium on the dynamics of explosions and reactive systems, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, July 31-August 5 2005. [2] Marie-Isabelle, B: Nano-TiO2 for solar cells and photocatalytic water splitting: scientific and technological challenges for commercialization. The Open Nanoscience Journal, 5, 64-77 (2013). [3] Suresh, S: Synthesis and electrical properties of TiO2 nanoparticles using a wet chemical technique. American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 1(1), 27-30 (2013). [4] Demko, AR, Johnson, M, Allen, TW, Reid, DL, and Seal, S: Comparison of commercially available and synthesized titania nano-additives on the burning rate of composite HTPB/AP propellant samples. Spring technical meeting of the central states section of the combustion institute, April 22-24 2012. 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[23] Liu, T, Wang, L, Yang, P and Hu, B: Preparation of Nanometer CuFe2O4 by auto-combustion and its catalytic activity on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. Materials Letters, 62, 4056-4058 (2008). [24] Duan, H, Lin, X, Liu, G and Xu, L: Synthesis of Co nanoparticles and their catalytic effect on the decomposition of ammonium perchlorate, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16, 325-328 (2008). [25] Pratibha, S, Reena, D, Kapoor, IPS and Singh, G: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic effect of bimetallic nanocrystals on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 49A, 1339-1344 (2010). [26] Vargeese, A: Effect of anatase-brookite mixed phase titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the high temperature decomposition kinetics of ammonium perchlorate. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 139(2-3), 537-542 (2013). [27] Fujimura, K and Miyake, A: The effect of specific surface area of TiO2 on the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate. J Therm Anal Calorim, 99, 27-31 (2010). Figure legends Figure 1. Commercial nano-TiO2 used in this study Figure 2. TEM image of TiO2 nanoparticles Figure 3. XRD patterns of TiO2 nanoparticles Figure 4. TGA curve related to pure AP Figure 5. TGA curves related to (a) AP1T, (b) AP2T, and (c) AP3T Table 1. Reported data from the literature on the decrease in AP decomposition temperature in the presence of different nano metal and metal oxides. Nanocatalyst Preparation method Amount (wt.%) Decrease in decomposition temperature ( °C) Reference Nano-yttria Sol-gel 5 114.6 [11] CuO/AP composite nanoparticles A novel solvent-nonsolvent method 95.83 [12] Co2O3/AP composite nanoparticles A novel solvent-nonsolvent method 137.11 [12] NiO nanoparticles Solid-state reaction 2 93 [13] Ni nanoparticles Hydrogen plasma method 2-5 92-105 [14] Nano-sized MgO Sol-gel 2 75 [15] Nano-sized ÃŽ ±-Fe2O3 Electrochemical method 2 59 [16] Nanometer CoFe2O4 Polyol-medium solvothermal 2 112.8 [17] Nano-MnFe2O4 Co-precipitation phase inversion 3 77.3 [18] Nano-MnFe2O4 Low-temperature combustion 3 84.9 [18] Sphere-like ÃŽ ±-Fe2O3 NH3 ·H2O and NaOH solution to adjust the pH value 81 [19] pod-like ÃŽ ±-Fe2O3 NH3 ·H2O and NaOH solution to adjust the pH value 72 [19] Nanometer CoC2O4 Co-precipitation 2 104 [20] Nano-sized CuO Sol-gel 90.47 [21] Nano-sized Co3O4 Sol-gel 92.07 [21] Nano-sized CuCo2O4 Sol-gel 102.78 [21] CuO nanocrystals Simple chemical deposition 2 85 [22] Nanometer CuFe2O4 Auto-combustion method 2 105 [23] Co nanoparticles Hydrogen plasma 2 145.01 [24] Cu-Co nanocrystal Hydrazine reduction in ethylene glycol 1 96 [25] Cu-Fe 1 89 Cu-Zn 1 114 Table 2. Chemical composition of nano-TiO2 Element Mg Nb Al S Si Ca Amount (ppm) Table 3. Physical properties of nano-TiO2 Bulk density (g/cm3) Actual density (g/cm3) Average particle size (nm) Specific surface area (m2/g) Color 0.24 3.90 10 to 25 200 to 240 white 1

Essay --

Tyler Brown Mrs. Hunt English 11 11 March 2014 Biomedical Engineering A career and tech. high school is a type of schooling that when a student graduates gives that pupil a trade degree in that scholars certain area of study along with that learners high school diploma. This is different from a normal high school because a student graduates with a degree that enables a scholar to go straight into that pupil’s field of study. For example if a learner is studying biotech the student will learn how to use the tools used in everyday labs like micro and serological pipets. One fields of study that the biotech program trains the students to do is biomedical engineering. In order to become a biomedical engineer undergraduate’s need years of schooling, and understanding of the growth in industry, once the technician has the job that engineer must adapt to the job or the job will sweep the operator under the rug. Looking at the history of this industry it has only grown sense it was first introduced. This is because societies are always sick and everyone wants to get better, which is where Biomedical Engineering comes in. The scientists work constantly to construct new medical devices; some of these devices include critical time instruments like a defibrillators or a disorder that is permanent like a pace maker. In both cases without them many people would not make it out of a hospital. There is one issues with the biomedical industry, as time goes on engineers are constantly pressured to come up with the next great device but they are limited by what has already been made. What this means is Engineers can only be as good as the equipment that is presented to them. A pro to this is that in return the engineers are paid fairly well and get ... ...uire engineers to have a higher degree of education, like if they want to work as the head technician the requirement goes from a bachelor’s to a master’s degree. Every year that the engineers work they are required to do certain tests to make sure that they are proficient with the equipment that they use in there labs. Work Cited â€Å"Biomedical engineer.† Career information center. Ed. Mary bonk. 9th ed. Vol. 6, Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Student Resources in Context. Web. 3 Feb. 2014. Bureau of labor statistic, U. S. department of labor, â€Å"occupational outlook handbook†, 2014 -2015 Ed, Biomedical Engineers. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. "Biomedical engineering." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Student Resources in Context. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

Monday, August 19, 2019

susan b. anthony speech :: essays research papers

"Fellow people in this here world": I stand before you tonight under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that me thus voting, I not only committed no crime, but, instead, simply exercised my citizen's rights, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution, beyond the power of any state to deny. The preamble of the Federal Constitution says: "We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more really bad union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people - women as well as women. And it is a downright bad to talk to wmen of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government - the ballot. For any state to make sex a qualification that must ever result in the disfranchisement of one entire half of the people, is to pass a bill of attainder, or, an ex post facto law, and is therefore a violation of the supreme law of the land. By it the blessings of liberty are forever withheld from women and their female posterity. To them this government has no just powers derived from the consent of the governed. To them this government is not a democracy. It is not a republic. It is an odious aristocracy; a hateful oligarchy of sex; the most hateful aristocracy ever established on the face of the globe; an oligarchy of wealth, where the rich govern the poor. An oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex, which

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Theories of Psychology Essay -- Psychology

1. Theories of Multiple Intelligences: Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences in his book, "Frames of Mind" in 1983 (Smith, 2006). Initially, Gardner spoke of seven intelligences and later added two. The first two are considered fundamental and most revered in the public school system, they are Linguistic intelligence and Logical-Mathematic intelligence. Linguistic intelligence includes the capability to use, speak and learn languages and words. Logical-Mathematic intelligence is the skill of working proficiently with numbers. Musical intelligence is the ability of performing, recognizing, and writing music. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence is utilizing the mind and the body together to solve problems. Visual-Spatial intelligence recognizes patterns of space. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability of understanding people. Intrapersonal is the ability to understand self. The final two that Gardner added in 1999 are, Naturalist, the ability to observe patterns in the way things are organized and Exi stentialist, the ability to understand spiritual and philosophical issues. Gardner also claims ?intelligences rarely operate independently?. (Smith, 2006) Interpersonal intelligence applies best to me because I am a very good listener and I have the ability to identify and respond accordingly to various moods and temperaments. I am often referred to as the peacekeeper or mediator. The feelings of others are foremost in my thoughts and actions. I enjoy contributing to others personal development and well-being. (Smith, 2006) 2. Problem solving: Algorithm is a systematic approach such as formulas used in math. (Roberts, 2006) Representative Heuristics or a rule of thumb is when information matches prev... and half environmental. Our environment was always a happy go lucky one, I never heard my parents argue or raise their voices to each other and I think that played a huge role in the way that I have viewed life and dealt with different situations over the years. (Roberts, 2006) Reference: American Heart Association., (2008). retrieved April 26, 2008 from: Smith, Mark., (2006). Howard gardner, multiple intelligences and education, introduction to psychology (pp.120-126). Kaplan University. United States, Copley. Roberts, Melinda Ph.D., (2006). Personality, introduction to psychology (ch.11). Kaplan University. United States, Copley. Roberts, Melinda Ph.D., (2006). Thinking and intelligence, introduction to psychology (ch.10). Kaplan University. United States, Copley

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Essays on Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard Essay

At first filled with shame, his officious father soon realizes just how profitable his son’s supposed spirituality can be. His mother, meanwhile, finds in the orchard relief from traditional Indian family life and middle-class respectability by devoting herself to creating increasingly exotic curries. All goes well until the local monkeys start to drink. Plans to rid the orchard of their unwanted hullabaloo multiply and eventually go completely awry, but not before Sampath is released from the endless cycle of demands. Transformed into a guava, he is last seen being carried towards the sacred Himalayas by the hungry monkeys. This story, by the daughter of novelist Anita Desai, works best when the pacing is as fast as the author’s touch is light, as it surely is in the final thirty or so pages. When it drags, stylistic tics become annoyingly apparent, the narrative too slender to support even a novel this short, and this talented author’s indebtedness to other writers, from Narayan and Salman Rushdie to Italo Calvino, Jerzy Kosinski and Gabriel Garcia Marquez the sign not of postmodern play but of youthful derivativeness.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Interpersonal Relationship and True Friend Essay

Tens of thousands, or one million? How many people will we meet in a whole lifetime, and how many of them do we have relationships with? Every person is born into a family without their choice, so they try to keep a good relationship with all family members to live happily, but sometimes it can be a misfortune for some people to get along with family members. However, we can choose to have good a relationship or not with acquaintances. Ive met with lots of people, sometimes I don’t get the chance to introduce myself, sometimes I had a good time with them, Sometimes I was disappointed by their behavior, and decided to say good-bye forever. There are many characteristics that determine whether a person is a friend or acquaintance. Considering my experiences, there are three types of acquaintances: true friends, ex-friends, and temporary acquaintances. I believe for a person to be considered a true friend they must be trustworthy and loyal. Someone whom will always stick by your side through thick and thin and would not sell you out. A true friend needs to be fair, caring, and loving. A true friend is someone who can make you smile or laugh; a person that will make you happy when you are sad. However, a true friend needs to be honest and must be able to tell you the truth even if it isn’t pleasant to hear. A true friend needs to be able to tell you something that you might not want to hear. At the same time, a true friend needs to be someone who wont try to change the way a person is and needs to be able to accept different personalities and characteristics. A true friend must know that it is very hard to gain trust; however. it is easy to lose it. People might say that a life without a true friend is no life at all. On the other hand there are people who I can’t say are friends anymore, so I consider them ex-friends. I was once close to them because of good times, humor, first impression, or similar interests, but later found out they used me, lied, and were selfish. I sometimes felt resentful, and realized I had better

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dress for success Essay

Is the way a person dresses important? It can be said: â€Å"yes†, it is. It is important not only for the impression he creates for the people around him, but also there is a more important factor- that the clothes a person wears makes them feel good. Whenever a person goes somewhere he is like a turtle, and his clothes are his shell, and when he goes somewhere he needs to be dressed well, and even if the occasion is not important, and he just goes for a walk with his dog, understanding that his â€Å"shell† looks nice, and perfectly suits him makes him feel more comfortable. So, a person who wears nice clothes is more successful and self-confident. Unfortunately, according to what we can see not all people in society are following this straight  forward principle. Most of them just don’t care about how they look, and then some of them might complain about being unsuccessful. Maybe this carelessness could be a reason for their failures. Some people may argue that clothes are not so important, and it depends on a person, and how smart he is, and that only hard work can influence success. However, it does matter, and it is very important to have a nice clothes! How people dress affects the way they feel about themselves and the situation in which they perform. Dating and style coach and the founder of the Fashion Experts Network, Sheila Dicks, wrote in one of her articles, â€Å"How dressing affects your attitude and confidence†, that we don’t have to spend enormous amounts of money on our clothes, but the way we combine clothes and then introduce ourselves in them, may show our self-confidence and assurance. Dressing for many people seems very insignificant, and they don’t believe that it can affect attitude. â€Å"How people dress is related in some way to how they feel†, says Sheila Dicks. It makes sense, when we feel good we dress well, but when we are not in the mood we can look very stupid. However when we put on nice things, which we really enjoy, this automatically triggers our mood to be good, so we have more energy for the day, and things seem better for us. In Sheila’s article there’s written that there are some aspects that can increase attitude: 1) if a person knows the occasion where he’s going to be; 2) if he knows the audience he’s going to interact with; 3) he knows his own style; 4) if he has an idea of how to combine colors. 1) Tailoring according to the event is important in order not to look stupid in front of other people. It can be just going shopping or going to a business lunch, but a person has to remember to dress according to the occasion. 2) The people who the individual is in contact with are considered to be an audience. Dress is an image of a person which he will be introduced in front of his friends, colleagues, enemies and so on. It also has to do with social situation; we don’t usually see a woman working in the supermarket and wearing a cocktail dress, because she has a suitable dress code which he must follow. 3) In everything we do we have our own personal style, which makes us distinguishable from each other. People express their style of clothes in clothes’ structure, material, shape, as well as accessories. Not all occasions suit a person’s personal style, but being  aware of it helps to accommodate clothes for particular occasion. There are people who look better in warm colors and others in cool colors. Each color has different description and can lead to different effect. (Self-Growth) The best compliment that somebody can make to another person is to say, â€Å"You look fantastic†. It means that the job that somebody did with his outfit is successful, and he succeed in impressing others. This compliment about the overall outfit, is even better than hearing about a specific part of the outfit, for example, the shoes, or a bag, or a coat†¦ This compliment means that the person’s attire was successfully combined, with his self- confidence making the person look fantastic. It’s especially important when making a first impression. Because when first meeting someone a good impression will be made. In a person’s life there’s a very important and significant step, which may influence their whole life, this step is to find a good job. It means that people should be  responsible about finding work because nobody wants to lose out on a chance, so a person has to be very concerned about it. It’s when first impressions are made as well. According to CNN’s reports about what employers demand from people who went to the job interview, we can see that how we dress says a lot about us, and it forms an employer’s opinion and decides our future in the company ( A company may not have a particular dress code, but they would like to see people working in appropriate and suitable clothes; the employers want to see a person with clean. Also from this CNN survey we can see when an employer has to choose between two applicants, the one who was nicely dressed and feels very confident about himself, will get a job over the applicant who’s resume is just as good, but he is not well dressed well enough ( Many people can argue with that and say that it is unfair, and an employer should not make decision based just on appearance, but unfortunately it’s true, and it’s really taking place. When this well- dressed person gets his dream- job, it doesn’t mean that he should stop trying to do his best while dressing every morning. Now he’s dressing not only to impress, but also to help himself to increase his productivity and self-confidence during this working period. For example he may have very a important business meeting, and he might be nervous about  it, but since he put on his chic and stylish suit, which seems like it was just made for his body structure; he is at least sure that the people he is going to meet with will like his look, and will be more friendly and more respectful. Then, when he finally meets them, and he sees their reaction toward him, it gives him more energy and more desire, and the aim is to impress them with his working skills as well. Basically, this example shows how a good suit can make signing a profitable business contract possible. Women like to impress not only business partners, but they’re also interested in impressing the men they meet socially. Being in a good physical shape and having a nice body is great; however it is even better if this body is covered with attractive clothing. There is very good book â€Å"How to Dress for Success† by Edit Head where she gives a lot of good advice and tips about how to dress for success in different areas and also with men. It makes no difference whether a woman is just interested in a man for a relationship or as whether she sees in him a potential husband. In both examples she should put effort into choosing what to wear. Head writes that women should have an idea where and how the date is going to be, so she can choose the perfect outfit. If they go to a restaurant, or to the cinema, or to the opera, or just for a walk in the park she has to have an idea to what kind of clothes she will feel most comfortable in, and whether it will suit the place. The man should also like her outfit, because if he doesn’t the whole mascarade was in vane (Chapter 2). Most men really don’t care whether a girl is clever or not, they will find that out later; firstly they fall in love with their eyes not with the girl’s intelligence. We can see that the way we dress is so important and it regulates our attitude. Wherever we go, we have to be dressed perfectly in order to feel more confident, and to make people more attracted to us. Knowing how to combine clothes effectively and how to buy the ones that suit us is a very useful skill and knowledge to have; if a person finds something very nice, but unfortunately it doesn’t suit him, it means he shouldn’t buy it. Looking good increases our productivity as well; when we feel comfortable about our appearance we perform better in the work place. People who surround us also feel it, and they are more attracted to the person, who have strong self-esteem, and in know what they want. At work  these people are more appreciated, and are more likely to get a good job, which leads to making good money, so basically dressing well helps us to make money. However, we don’t really see successful and rich people who dressing bad do we? Work list Dicks , Sheila. â€Å"How Dressing Affects Your Attitude and Confidence.† N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar 2014. Head, Edit. How to dress for success . New York: Random House, 1967. Web. Haefner, Rosemary . â€Å"how to dress for success at work.† human resources vice president. (2008): n. page. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.

Education and Lifelong Learning Essay

1. Understand own role and responsibilities in the lifelong learning. (1.1) Having been requested to produce a brief on my roles in teaching and professional values whist teaching in this role. I have to deal with variety of personnel from different ability groups and cultures. I often have to deal with ever changing legislation such as the Joint Service Publications (JSP’s) regarding subjects taught at the training wing, as well as the JSP’s we have to work in line with the Royal logistic Corps Training and Development Team (TDT) which gives up to date changes regarding our codes of practice. some of my roles in teaching the CLM courses are teaching Military Discipline which gets updated regularly from the Army Act 2006, my other key area is Health & Safety which is governed by not only the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 (HASWA) but has its own JSP for the Ministry of Defence (MOD). (1.2) As with any organisation the MOD must comply with the Equality Act 2006, as for my role in promoting Equality and valuing Diversity as mentioned earlier the Royal Logistic Corps has a very versatile group with personnel from all over the commonwealth and also having many different religions. We adapt our lessons and exercises in line with the needs of personnel who may require a different learning style than that being used with extra time given to anyone that may have dyslexia or any other learning difficulty, if a soldier requires time off for religious beliefs they will be given extra tuition for the teaching periods missed, concessions will also be made if a soldier wears headdress as part of their religion with time given before and after an event such as firing on a range where they must wear a helmet for safety reasons. Before all students arrive at the training wing they must be at a set standard as directed by the RLC which will include being at the right basic skills level for the course and at the right fitness level they are also required to carry out an initial assessment on the first day of the course to see what standard the students are at, if the student gets low marks on some of the subjects covered they might be placed as an at risk student which means they may require additional tuition during the course but this information is kept between the instructors and the student involved with constant updates being given throughout the course. Whilst the training sessions are laid down the instructors will adapt the lesson so the students understand the subject by involving them in group discussions and are encouraged to ask any questions throughout the lessons. (1.3) In my role as an instructor I am responsible for the day to day running of the training wing and am solely responsible for certain lessons such as Military Discipline, Health & Safety and Tactics which involves keeping up to date with all the relevant legislation and the upkeep of the classrooms. I also coach and mentor the Junior Non Commissioned Officers in all the CLM lessons which involves evaluating them during lessons to ensure the subjects are being taught correctly and in line with the RLC’s policy. (1.4) In my role regarding identifying and meeting the needs of the learners I take great care in seeing what sort of standard they are at when they first arrive on the courses by interviewing each student after they have carried out their initial assessments and asking them if they require any additional support during the course and what expectations that they may have regarding me as there instructor. If I feel that the student is going to struggle as their assessments were not up to the standards required during the course they are informed that they are an at risk student but does not affect them in any way if there standard improves and will be given regular evaluations and updates on their performance. 2. Understanding the relationship between teachers and other professionals in lifelong learning. (2.1) Some of the boundaries I face as an instructor in the Military are maintaining a professional relationship due to other instructors having a different outlook on a subject or not doing enough research, at times the Military seem to want a subject taught even if the instructor is not qualified which puts more demands on them. (2.2)Some of the areas of referral we use for the learners are met by having all the correct equipment available during any period of teaching with no time restrictions placed, all learners are given clear guidelines and targets that will need to be met. (2.3)In my role I have certain responsibilities regarding the relationship with other members of the training team and also do all correspondence with other outside agencies that are with our evaluating area such as keeping all internal evaluations are kept up to date with the current policies and keep are lessons up to date and accurate. I am also responsible for maintaining and evaluating all learner feedback and amending lessons that the students feel need changing this is a long process as I need lessons checked by the Training and development team before I can use them. 3.Understand own responsibilities for maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. (3.1)When maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment this will ultimately depend on the type of lesson being taught but classroom layouts will change depending on the needs of the learners, all lessons are kept short or are broken down so the learners have regular breaks so not to lose concentration. We also do a lot of interacting within the groups to make the learner feel that are giving input to the lessons. In regards to the Health & safety of the learners all classrooms are laid out as per the HSE’s guidelines with all lighting, seating and blackout blinds fitted all classrooms have fixed projectors and whiteboards for interaction with mobile whiteboards for learners when they are broken down into smaller groups. A brief is given at the start of each course to ensure the learner understands that the instructors are to help and should be approached if they feel something is wrong. (3.2)To promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others I impose certain ground rules at the start of each course so the learners understand what is expected of them during the course. They are brief on all Health & Safety regulations what to do and were to go in case of a fire, that no anti-social behaviour or offensive language will be tolerated and they must be punctual so not to waste the teacher’s time or the other learner’s time and to ensure they don’t interrupt during the lesson if someone else is speaking. They are briefed on classroom etiquette by ensuring the classrooms are left clean and tidy at all times and all mobile phone are turned off our on silent unless a learned has an important call to make then they are asked to leave the room. All learners are briefed to have the upper most respect for all other learners and teachers throughout the course.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Awareness of the Importance of the Qualities Necessary for the Nurse - Personal Statement

Awareness of the Importance of the Qualities Necessary for the Nurse - Patience, Social Responsibility, Compassion, the Ability Not to Harm the Patient Personal ment Choosing a future procession is a crucial task. When making such an important choice, one should not take into account the fantasies from our childhood. Children like to dream to become a respected surgeon or a famous actress, but when they are grown up, such desires seem just fantasies and the time comes to make a serious choice. Making this choice it is essential to evaluate our abilities and personal qualities to determine if they match the profession we like. I always liked the profession of a physician, but I also understood that such a profession demands much responsibility and very special qualities. Thus, I evaluated the features of my character and my abilities before making such a crucial choice and made a conclusion that I have all the necessary features and abilities. Everything depends on how you treat people. I like people and always try to help those in need. The profession of a nurse allows to realize a desire to help and assist people who appear in diff icult situation. My aim is not to earn a big money, but to be as useful for the society as it is possible. This is the reason why I chose a profession of a nurse. The important quality the nursing profession demands is patience. My friends and parents consider me to be very patient and careful. A nurse should not be absentminded and I always tried to eliminate the minor signs of this drawback from my character. I also like to acquire knowledge in the process of practice as theoretical knowledge should be accompanied by practical. The profession of nursing allows to work in laboratory where it is possible to test your knowledge. I am ready to be responsible and account for my deeds. I understand well that a primary obligation of a nurse is to help and the most important principle is â€Å"do not harm†. If a nurse causes any harm to patient, it is considered to be a crime. If a nurse refuses to help a person in need, it is also a serious crime. I understand the seriousness of the profession I chose and know that if I become a nurse, I will hold a legal responsibility for everything I will do and I am ready for that. All kinds of education are good and useful. Choosing profession we should not make emphasis on the degree, but on the profession itself. Good care does not depend on the degree, it depends on the personal qualities of nurses, their desire and readiness to help. Still, I value education very high. I think a nurse should be educated to provide a high-quality help that is why I decided to receive a degree in nursing. I think that nurses should continue to develop their knowledge in order to benefit patients, because their state is a top priority. Good education is necessary for the nursing profession, that is why I aim at receiving a degree and continue the study in order to make my help as valuable as possible.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Monaco grand prix economic impacts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Monaco grand prix economic impacts - Essay Example They are typically organized by variable combination of national governmental and international non-governmental organizations (Sylt and Reid, 2010).† The Monaco Grand prix has great economical impacts; first and foremost it leads to technological development of mass communication especially satellite television. This development means that revenues from television to host the events increase overwhelmingly. The television rights are sold very highly like the rights to host Olympic games in 2000 in Sidney was over US$1 billion (Sylt and Reid, 2010). There is also a lot of corporate sponsorship which provide huge sums of money to the host countries. The event is also useful in marketing products and showcasing various country attractions hence attracting tourism and foreign investments. This event is one of the most significant events ready to transform the country. This leads to an increase in the volumes of tourists who come to the event for various reasons (Sharkey, 2011). In return, the huge visitor or tourist volumes increase the revenue received from the tourist and hence boosts the local trade. To host such an event, a lot of marketing and publicity has to be done, this leads to the host country being known world wide and having a positive image which in return boost tourism even during the non pick periods (Sharkey, 2011). Hosting such a mega event gives the host country a chance to be put on the world map, by providing significant exposure to the world. They serve as a platform to show the cultural, economical and political power of the host. By hosting such a significant event it shows that the country has entered the international scene as a major figure. This has been the case for countries like Singapole, Japan which hosted the 2002 FIFA World Cup, South Korea etc which little was known about them but after hosting sporting events their economies emerged and the political status became known